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A couples journey in healing!

Hey dudes! ✌ Today we get to interview some of our favorites, David and Kelley Cook. I work with David at Reign of Terror Haunted House, in Thousand Oaks CA. We are considered one of top 10 independent haunted attractions in the US. And it is chalk full of some of the best folks I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, like D&K....

A&A: Hey David and Kelley! Introduce yourselves......

D&K: We are, Kelley age 33. Stay at home mom.

David, age 32. Scare actor.

A&A: It's so inspiring seeing you guys be such a great parents and be so spooky all at once!!! David is such a devout Reign of Terror member and always dependable! So, what's your disabilities?

D&K: Both of us suffer from depression, anxiety, body pains, and PTSD.

A&A: How does it affect you? 

D&K: Interferes with daily life.

A&A: We hear that! Amanda and I both suffer from complex PTSD for different reasons. It takes tolls on your body and mind that sometimes you don't even realize. It's very brave of you guys to even talk about your journey!

A&A: When did you first discover cannabis?

D&K: We discovered cannabis together when Kelley was 31 and David was 30.

A&A: How does it help you?

D&K: Helps manage our disabilities.

A&A: We hear that! In fact, according the journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience "There have been indications that cannabis or some of its components, primarily THC and CBD, diminish particular symptoms of PTSD. In this regard, in a small study , 5 mg of THC twice a day as an add-on treatment enhanced sleep quality and reduced the frequency of night-mares, PTSD hyperarousal (based on the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale) and global symptom severity. The synthetic analogue of THC, nabilone, similarly enhanced sleep, reduced nightmares and diminished other PTSD symptoms among patients."

A&A: How are you guys handling the pandemic?

D&K: Stressed. David misses work.

A&A: Everybody is stressed right now you're not alone. We recommend for those feeling the same to maybe look into therapy. Make future plans. Go Outside. Medicate. Meditate. Watch Movies (my personal favorite). Do whatever you need to do to feel more connected! For people struggling with your diagnosis, what's something you want them to know?

D&K: With cannabis, there is a natural way to treat disabilities. (Kelley) was raised to believe Cannabis was dangerous, and she wants to help break the stigma because of how much it has helped us.

We have a feeling that you guys are going help so many with your story. We know it's never easy to talk about mental health issues, but it's nothing to be ashamed about. You are never alone. May cannabis continue to be a guiding/happy light in your beautiful marriage!

Later, Dudes! 🤟🏼

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